
HomeGauge, the industry leader in home inspection software, has a large suite of products for scheduling, writing reports, and managing your business. I've been their product design lead for over fours years.

Conceptual UX Design

I started the project by understanding the user experience for home buyers, home inspectors, and real estate agents. I created quick conceptual work that laid out a long term vision for the HomeGauge suite of products.

HomeGauge Figma account HomeGauge Figma account HomeGauge Figma account

Creating the Design System

I worked with long time collaborator Dan Leu to create a beautiful design system for HomeGauge. Dan handled the visual design, and I created the Figma components.

HomeGauge Figma account HomeGauge Figma account HomeGauge Figma account

Managing a Large Figma Project

Running a Figma account with nine products over the course of years has given me a strong understanding of how to organize and maintain design files for a large organization.

HomeGauge Figma account

HomeGauge Figma account

Product Design

The product design work started by creating a web based version of HomeGauge’s popular desktop report writer. Once that product was launched, I started devoting more time to the supporting suite of business management tools. I’ve continued to iterate on the web based report writer over the years, adding advanced features and improving the existing workflow based on user feedback.

HomeGauge Figma account

HomeGauge Figma account

HomeGauge Figma account

HomeGauge Figma account

HomeGauge Figma account

HomeGauge Figma account

HomeGauge Figma account